In 2005, the Texas Legislature approved the position of non-voting student regent. In accordance with the provisions of the Education Code, Sections 51.355 and 51.356, each public university board of regents shall include one student member appointed by the governor. The chancellor of each university system and president of each independent public university shall “develop a uniform application form to be used by each general academic teaching institution and medical and dental unit in the university system to solicit applicants for the position of student regent.” This form is for those systems and independent public universities who wish to use a standard form in addition to the appointment application provided by the Office of the Governor.
Student Regent
The student regent is a non-voting participant on the board of regents representing the students of each Texas public university system or independent public university (a general academic teaching institution that is not a part of a university system). The student regent serves a one-year term commencing June 1 and ending May 31 of the following year. While technically not a member of the board of regents, a student regent does have the same powers and duties as the members of the board of regents, with the exception of voting, making or seconding motions, and being counted to determine a quorum. To the best of their ability, the student regent represents the interests of the students, the university system/university, and the State of Texas. The student regents may serve on special commissions, task forces, and committees during their term and are expected to participate in required regent activities, including orientation sessions conducted by the Office of the Governor and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Student regents will be required to abide by the laws of the State of Texas applicable to board service, including the state ethics laws. The student regent is encouraged to be involved with the student governments on each campus which they represent and to have a working relationship with faculty, staff, and representative student organizations.
Student Regent Qualifications
To qualify, an individual must be enrolled and in good standing as an undergraduate or graduate student in one of the colleges or universities in The Texas State University System. The applicant must have earned a minimum of a 2.5 grade point average and must maintain this minimum performance level throughout his/her term. Please include an official transcript with the application. The president of the institution where the student is enrolled is required to notify the Governor if the student regent fails to maintain his/her qualifications. The Governor, in turn, will declare the position vacant and fill the vacancy as soon as practicable. A student regent is not eligible for reappointment. Preference will be given to applicants who are residents of the State of Texas and who have a general knowledge of the functions of the board of regents. Student regent applicants must have a strong desire to represent all university students within their respective system/institution.
Overview of the Role of the Boards of Regents
The governor of the State of Texas appoints regents for all public university systems, including The Texas State University System.
The boards of regents for the State of Texas are vested with the legal and corporate authority to ensure that the mission of the system/university is carried out, and in doing so, are accountable to the citizens of Texas. Members of the board of regents are appointed by the governor with staggered six-year terms. One student regent is appointed with a one-year term. Many boards of regents operate through standing committees and also subcommittees and special committees. The boards and their committees meet throughout the year.
The regents establish policy in areas such as personnel, campus development, student tuition and fees, admissions, and financial aid. The duties of the regents include overseeing the financial management of the system/university, its investments and property holdings as well as major appointments including the chancellors of the systems, presidents of the universities, and other key personnel. The regents delegate a broad range of authority and responsibility to the system chancellor and university presidents.
Remuneration for Expenses
Although serving without compensation, a student regent is entitled to be reimbursed for expenses incurred for attendance at meetings of the board, its committees, other official university events, and conferences where travel is approved for board members.
Timeline for The Texas State University System
The Student Government recommends up to five applicants for the position of student regent and submit all official documents (including an official transcript) to the president’s office on each campus. (Note: At this stage, each applicant will have his/her academic, financial and disciplinary standing verified by the registrar and appropriate student services administrator as well as a criminal records check completed through the University Police. See the information on page 5 of this application.)
By November 15
Priority Applicant Submission Deadline to submit to the Student Government/Student Involvement & Engagement Office.
By November 29
Final Applicant Submission Deadline to submit to the Student Government/Student Involvement & Engagement Office.
By January 15
The president of the campus will forward the recommendations to the Chancellor’s Office. The official applications will be filed in the president’s office and a copy of the complete file forwarded to The Texas State University System. All applications should be single-sided documents, not double-sided.
By January 29
From the materials received, the chancellor will select two or more applicants (unranked) to submit to the governor for his consideration.
On June 1
The governor appoints a student regent for a one-year term expiring the following May 31. (By statute, the governor may request to review all applications received by the student governments. Additionally, the governor is not required to appoint an applicant recommended by the chancellor.)
Key Deadlines:
- Priority Applicant Submission Deadline: November 15, 2023, to submit to the Student Government/Student Involvement & Engagement Office.
- Final Applicant Submission Deadline: November 29, 2023, to submit to the Student Government/Student Involvement & Engagement Office.
Required Documents:
- 2024-2025 Student Regent Application Form
- Governor’s Appointment Application
- Resume
- Official Transcript
- Three References/Letters of Recommendation
- Photograph
For additional information regarding this position, please visit the TSUS website at Student Positions : Texas State University System (