Student Government
Mission, Vision, Values
Student Government is the primary recognized forum for student opinion and our focus is to represent the student interests and concerns to administration while providing activities and services we deem useful to students. Student Government exists to represent the student voice to the faculty and administration.
Get Involved
Student Government is committed to establishing avenues and leadership opportunities for student involvement in university affairs, acting as servants to the student body, and being the representatives of our constituents. Learn more about our open positions.
Student Government Elections
Elections take place on the third Monday of February at 8:00 a.m. until the fourth consecutive business day at 5:00 p.m. The election will decide your next Student Body President, Vice President, and Senators who will represent you for the next academic year.

Weekly Senate Meetings
The Student Government Senate meetings are in-person every Monday at 7 pm when classes are in session and are open to the public at the LBJ Student Center, Teaching Theatre.

Programs and Services
Texas State Student Government is pleased to keep up with a series of programs to engage in meaningful and enriching dialogue with fellow students.