2024-2025 Legislation
Senate Bills
Senate Resolutions
Senate Simple Resolutions
S.S.R.24-25.04 A Simple Resolution Switching Senator Manzanares Senate Seat from the College of Liberal Arts to the College of Applied Arts
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S.S.R.24-25.05 A Simple Resolution Confirming Senator Abby Myers to Vice-President Pro-Tempore
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S.S.R.24-25.06 A Simple Resolution Confirming Ibrahima Kande as the College of Applied Arts Senator
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S.S.R.24-25.07 A Simple Resolution Confirming Roderick Wilson as the Transfer Seat Senator
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S.S.R.24-25.08 A Simple Resolution Confirming Emma Vega to the position of Senator-at-Large
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S.S.R.24-25.09 A Simple Resolution Confirming the Committee Members of the Nominations and Appointments Committee
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S.S.R.24-25.10 A Simple Resolution Confirming Senator Pablo Avellaneda to Parliamentarian
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S.S.R.24-25.12 A Simple Resolution Confirming Joseph Crist to the position of Senator-at-Large
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S.S.R.24-25.13 A Simple Resolution Confirming Alazne Leon to the position of Senator-at-Large
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S.S.R.24-25.14 A Simple Resolution Confirming Melanie Cardeno to the position of Senator-at-Large
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S.S.R.24-25.15 A Simple Resolution Confirming Khristian Maldonado to the position of Senator-at-Large
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S.S.R.24-25.16 A Simple Resolution Confirming Emma Vega as the Sustainability Committee Chair
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S.S.R.24-25.17 A Simple Resolution Confirming Samantha Regan to the position of College of Liberal Arts Senator
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S.S.R.24-25.19 A Simple Resolution Condemning the September 24th Hate Crime that Occurred on Campus
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S.S.R.24-25.21 A Simple Resolution Confirming Madison Koop to the College of Education Senate Seat
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