The Judiciary of Student Government
The Judiciary of Student Government, or the courts, is the body of Student Government that hears testimony and provides remedies to specific cases. It comprises of the Supreme Court that oversees Student Government Elections, and hears cases regarding the Student Government Constitution, Student Government Code, and Student Government Elections. The Supreme Court is made up of five justices, one of whom serves as the Chief Justice.
As an independent branch of government, the Courts will always administer lawful impartial rulings according to the Student Government Constitution and the Student Government Code.
We achieve this by:
- Settling disputes between individuals and the Executive and Legislative Branches of Texas State University Student Government.
- Overseeing all rules, regulations, and resolving disputes about the Elections
- Protecting the Rights of Students.
- Upholding and interpreting the laws of Student Government.
Supreme Court Hearings
All hearings of the Supreme Court are open to the public. Links for the hearings are posted on the hearings page. Click HERE to access the hearings page.
Judicial Branch FAQs
What are the Judiciary duties?
The Judicial Courts serves as a body of Student Government for all students. The Supreme Court is responsible for enforcing and interpreting the Student Government Constitution and Code, while the Election Board is task with enforcing and interpreting the Election Code of Student Government
How do you become a Justice for the Supreme Court?
The Supreme Court Justices are appointed by the Student Body President and confirmed by the Student Government Senate. The Supreme Court consist of a Chief Justice and four Associate Justices.
To apply for the Supreme Court, go to Get Involved.
Can I attend a hearing?
Yes you may, all Supreme Court hearings are open to the public.
How do I bring a concern or issue to the Supreme Court?
If you witness a violation of the Student Government Constitution or Student Government Code, file a Complaint form with the Supreme Court. Or if you simply have a request for interpretation, file an Advisory Opinion Request.
How can I get involved?
Students who are not currently appointed Justices of the Supreme Court can become involved by applying for the Court Clerk's Office, consisting of the Supreme Court Clerk or the Public Counsels Office at Get Involved. To inquire more about these positions, contact sgsupremecourt@txstate.edu