Supreme Court Orders and Opinions

The term "opinions," as used here, refers to several types of writing by the Justices, including majority and minority opinions. However, all the Court's actions and remedies are prescribed in a written majority order and opinion and are documented below.

The Court may also dispose of cases in per Curiam opinions, which do not identify the author. These opinions frequently resolve cases summarily, often without oral argument.

All orders are binding on members of the Student Government or those seeking office therein. The written opinion provides insight into the Court's justification. It establishes a decision-making framework based on stare decisis or precedent, which guides the Court in making decisions on similar cases in the future.

Opinions - 2024-2025

All Supreme Court orders and opinions pertaining to the 2024-2025 year.


The Court issues decisions on cases brought before it. These are opinions that decide the outcome of the case.

Advisory Opinions

Advisory opinions ask the court to clarify or interpret something found in the constitution or the code of laws.


The court issues memorandums for various purposes like issuing a notice of complaint for a hearing, and other Court business.


All Supreme Court hearings are virtual and are open to the public. A link will be posted here for each hearing. 

A hearing is scheduled at 2pm on Sunday, March 28th. It is regarding a case brought against Mr Jordan Hunter. Click Here to join: Link

A hearing is scheduled at 4pm on Sunday, March 28th. It is regarding a case brought against Ms Carolena Estrada. Click Here to join: Link

A hearing is scheduled at 2pm on Sunday, March 28th. It is regarding a case brought against Mr Rick Wilson. Click Here to join: Link